Sustainable Supply Chain
Sinyi Development has established a "Vendor Evaluation Management Procedure" and has gradually incorporated sustainability-related issues into supplier (including contractor) selection and procurement, construction and completion management, including:

Environmental Protection Safety Measures
Green Procurement
Carbon inventory, etc...

Labor Safety and Health Management
Human Rights, etc...

Risk Management
Audit System
Integrity Management
Quality Control Plan, etc...
Supplier Selection & Procurement
When selecting suppliers, Sinyi Development incorporates environmental and social considerations into the project bidding documents. The technical evaluation of construction contractors is conducted for various aspects, for example, assessing whether they meet the company´s requirements for low-carbon building materials or construction methods, the adoption of new building materials or construction methods, integrity management, or other improper behaviors. Additionally, the company adopts the BIM technology, emphasizing effective communication and coordination among collaborators. Sinyi Development expects construction partners to embrace sustainable development concepts and thinking, and move together towards the goal of sustainable buildings. As for general suppliers, the company upholds the spirit of green procurement, prioritizing products that hold international or national green or environmental certifications.

1. Environmental protection and safety measures: Regularly monitor construction site environmental safety operations, such as construction fences, dust emissions, noise during machinery and equipment operation, and resource recycling classification 2. Green procurement: products certified by international/national green or environmental standards 3. Carbon inventory: actively cooperate with suppliers and work together to calculate carbon emissions

1. Labor Safety and Health Management: Whether it complies with labor safety regulations, such as personnel safety equipment, safety and hygiene of the working environment, and related labor safety. 2. Human Rights: To identify, prevent, and mitigate negative human rights impacts, whether there is a human rights review or impact assessment of its operational activities.

Corporate Governance
1. Risk management mechanism: minimize avoidable risks, costs and losses 2. Audit mechanism: ensure the core financial and operational processes 3. Integrity management: no corruption, bribery and other cases in the past 4. Product quality control plan: whether there is good and stable quality, and formulate quality management related procedures
After the completion of the supplier selection stage and signing contracts, in addition to contractual agreements, efforts are made to foster a shared commitment to sustainable development. This involves signing agreements with all suppliers on “Supplier Sustainability Terms" and “Sinyi Group Suppliers Business Code of Conduct". By doing so, sustainability issues are integrated into supplier management and ensure all suppliers meet the screening and assessment criteria for Environment protection, Social responsibility and Governance (ESG) at a 100% level. In the future, the following directions will be progressively incorporated to ensure that contractors adhere to the requirements during the construction process and post-completion, aligning with the Environment protection, Social responsibility and Governance (ESG) issues. In the event of supplier violation, Sinyi Development will require timely improvements or may terminate/cancel contracts. The expectation is for suppliers to collaborate with Sinyi Development in jointly pursuing the goal of sustainable development