Sinyi Development values the relationship between the land and its surrounding environment in site selection. Real estate development is rooted in the land, carrying people´s lives. Our relationship with the land is so closely knitted and interdependent, particularly in Taiwan´s densely populated environment. This means the impact of development projects with their sites on the surrounding environment is intimate. Climate change and land environment protection issues such as flooding, heavy rainfall and environmental carrying capacity are critical to the safety of people and properties. Hence, we strive for symbiosis and inclusion between people and the land in our business strategy, working together towards sustainable development.

Land Ethics Strategy

Safety Assessment
Sinyi Development conducts comprehensive investigations, evaluations and analysis for the development site selection. This involves various aspects, including soil condition, geology, the surrounding environment and regulatory requirements. The purpose is to lay a solid foundation for our projects, ensuring a high level of safety in the selection of raw materials, development, design and construction processes.

Sustainable Development
The concept of land and its surrounding environment is not limited to the flat plane, it extends to three-dimensional space and even incorporates the dimension of time. In particular, climate change has become a material issue for the continued existence of companies, as it impacts both the present and future land conditions. Events, such as frequent flooding caused by typhoons and heavy rainfall, and the rising sea levels leading to the expansion of flood-prone areas, all pose great challenges to the land existence and intensify the competition in the real estate market. In response to these challenges, Sinyi Development upholds the principles of integrity and ethics in business practices. Recognizing that land development is not a one-time event, Sinyi Development takes responsibility for people, ecology, land and the surrounding environment. Sinyi Development considers sustainable development measures for site optimization, increasing green spaces, enhancing water retention and drainage, maintaining the surrounding environment, promoting community building and advocating for environmental protection and conserving the ecosystem. We disclose information transparently to customers, ensuring they are informed about the land they live on and the impact on the surrounding environment. The assessment of future risks and opportunities ensures moving together towards the goal of sustainable land development.

Symbiosis and Inclusion
Land development goes beyond just the building construction site itself. It is a holistic concept where the site and its surrounding environment are closely interconnected and mutually influenced. Consequently, from development/design to the selection of raw materials and the construction process, we cover not only the building site but also its surrounding environment. Rigorous and comprehensive assessments are conducted, in terms of the environmental carrying capacity and the level of impact. By doing so, Sinyi Development aims to foster a symbiotic and inclusive relationship between the land, people, and ecosystems, and mutually constructive societal interactions.

Land Development
The Department of Development at Sinyi Development gathers information related to the potential development sites, formulates land and development project development plans and conducts a thorough assessment of the current situation, including climate, soils, geology, surrounding environment and regulatory requirements. Once information is screened and consolidated, the department incorporates the historical and future timelines to access climate change, environmental carrying capacity and impact levels. The information along with the content of the cost-benefit analysis is then submitted for discussion and presentation to the management meetings and the General Manager. Subsequently, it is presented to the Board of Directors at Sinyi Development and the parent company´s Board of Directors for review and decision-making. Meanwhile, we adhere to land ethics and carry out regular inspections and risk assessments of the land and the surrounding environment during the procurement of raw materials, development, design and construction processes. Sinyi Development also reports on these activities at corporate performance meetings and implements risk adjustments to prevent negative impacts on the land and the surrounding environment. Sinyi Development takes on the responsibility of the sustainable development of the land and its surrounding environment, fulfilling its uncompressing commitment to environmental protection.
Land Maintenance
In order to maintain the land functions, Sinyi Development prevents the use of highly destructive or irreversible construction techniques. Hence, we adhere to two measures for construction sites. This is to create the most ideal connections among the land, people, ecosystems and mutually constructive societal interactions.

Greenery of Site
Site greening involves planting vegetation using the natural soil within the site, as well as the soil layers covering the roofs, balconies, exterior walls and artificial terrains. Increasing the amount of greenery on the land greening not only contributes to improving the quality of life and also becomes a focal point for sustainable development. In particular, environmental issues such as urban heat island effects, air pollution, and biodiversity have gained prominence in recent years. In addition, proactive actions to address climate change risks have become imperative. These are the reasons and objectives for Sinyi Development to consistently incorporate site greening into its land development.

Rainwater Conservation
In past projects, construction site development neglected the importance of natural soil layers for the sake of aesthetics or ease of maintenance. This resulted in the loss of the land´s capability in water retention, significantly reducing its capability to support site greening and the latent heat capacity of evaporating water. As a result, the land cannot naturally regulate temperatures, aggravating the urban heat island effect. Additionally, in the previous rainwater drainage design, the focus was generally on swiftly directing rain water away from the site or channeling it into the public sewage system. However, the increasing impact of climate change has become more evident, events like typhoons or heavy rainfall have posed additional strain on the essential infrastructure (e.g., sewers systems and roadways), leading to frequent occurrences of flooding. Sinyi Development starts with itself by emphasizing and promoting land symbiosis and inclusion throughout the process of introducing raw materials, land development and design and construction. This approach involves incorporating permeable design into the building site to maintain the land‘s water circulation capability. This supports site greening and helps regulate the ambient temperature of the surroundings, fulfilling the responsibility to contribute to the mitigation of urban heat island effects.